R. Mc Cullagh Jewellers Valuations
We offer jewellery valuations of Insurance cover, probate, for re sale or simple interest. We use a transparent pricing system and not a percentage based fee. All valuations are preformed in house by our resident Diamond Grader which will be recognised by all major insurance companies in Ireland. Please find a guide to the 4 C's at the bottom of the page.
Insurance Cover
Ensure that you are paying the correct premium on your insurance coverage. With fluctuations in the price of precious metals, diamonds and gemstones its important to always have and up to date price valuation on hand to present to your insurance provider to make sure you are not over or under insured.
Required to asses the estate of a deceased loved one. Often required by a solicitor.
Re-sale Value
We can help to provide you with a guide price for price with your piece will provide on the re-sale market.
Diamond & Gemstone Reports
Full diamond and gemstone reports are available on request.
Price List
First Item/Stones over 1ct in size - €80/€100
Second & Subsequent items - €35
Re-Valuation of complete document - €60
The 4 C's of Diamond Quality
Diamond Quality
Known as the 4Cs, the quality of a diamond is primarily determined by its carat, clarity, colour and cut.
Carat Weight
Carat simply refers to the weight of the diamond.
1 carat (ct) weighs 200 milligrams. 1 carat is divided up into 100 points, 0.50ct = 50 points, 0.25ct = 25points.
The term carat comes from the carob seeds of the carob tree which give a very consistent weight which early merchants were able to use as a counter weight.
Diamond clarity is a qualitative metric that grades the visual appearance of each diamond. The fewer inclusions and blemishes the diamond has, the better the clarity grade. While the clarity can significantly impact a diamond’s value, imperfections typically can’t be recognized by the naked or unaided eye.

